Hi my names Ellie White I’m 17 years old from Northern Ireland. I started dancing freestyle disco dancing at the age of 3 and that was were my love for dance grew from, over lockdown I learnt my core foundations and lots of different dance styles that has now led to my versatility being my best trait. I have been flying to London every Saturday for over a year now to train with More Training Academy and I am also apart of Philip Birchalls private training company. Events like Can You Dance allow me to get my name out there, as I’m from Northern Ireland so it’s very difficult to attend numerous classes with top choreographers but with CYD bringing them all to one event really benefits me. Performing at CYD Northern Ireland was a surreal experience for me as I worked alongside Sean Taaffe to create a solo, it was also a lovely experience to gain feedback from the Can You Dance team that has really benefited me. I hope to attend one of my top dance colleges this September being Urdang, Wilkes or Laine, coming from a smaller country where dance isn’t big I really adored the fact Can You Dance has now brought over more opportunities for dancers like me. CYD Northern Ireland was the event that helped me gain a full scholarship to the Hammond and I will forever be grateful for that. I am thrilled to be a Can You Dance star and I look forward to inspiring others through the power of dance.